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young irish fellowship club

Arthur Dunne Award

The Arthur DunneAward acknowledges outstanding contributions to YIFC and the Irish community. Judge Arthur Dunne was a member of the Irish Fellowship Club (IFC) and was elected the liaison between the IFC and the newly-created YIFC in 1980. He was instrumental in getting YIFC started and his contribution to the YIFC is honored by this annual award. Typically the winner of the Arthur Dunne Award is a past YIFC or current or past IFC Board member. Most importantly, the recipient should be someone who has gone above and beyond to contribute to the YIFC.

Tom Hurley

Martin Healy

Billy Lawless & Bill Gainer

Eamon Vaughan

Austin Kelly

Judge Tom Allen

 Gene Calla­han

John Daley, Sr.

Daniel McLaugh­lin

George Cahill

Rose Doherty

Jack Hart­man

Chris Koz­icki

Judge Mau­reen Con­nors

Mary Gin Har­ring­ton Rabinek

Kathy Taylor

Businessman of the Year

The Busi­ness­man of the Year Award  rec­og­nizes an indi­vid­ual who has gone above and beyond the typ­i­cal YIFC spon­sor. This recip­i­ent assists the Club in fol­low­ing its mis­sion: to explore the Irish cul­ture, net­work with other young pro­fes­sion­als in Chicago and most impor­tantly, sup­port YIFC char­i­ties to achieve its fundrais­ing goals either through spon­sor­ship, finan­cial dona­tions or prod­uct donation.

Tom Dowd-Fado Irish Pub

Peggy Dineen-Southwest Airlines

John Wrenn

Sarah Slater and Theresa Altgilbers-Jam USA

 John Engel-Chicago Beverage

 Sherry Courtney and Kristen Eschrich-MillerCoors

The Kavanaugh Family

Bob Trainor

Vince and Anthony Divono-Bourbon Street

Kevin Killerman

 David Cahill

 Michael Cullen

Kevin and Eamon Vaughn

 Michael Rooney

Peter O'Brien

Alumni of the Year

The Alumni of the Year Award is pre­sented to a for­mer board mem­ber of the Young Irish Fel­low­ship Club Board of Direc­tors who has served on the Board of Direc­tors in the past, and has con­tin­ued to con­sult the board, after their time serv­ing the board has ended. The award acknowl­edges the ded­i­ca­tion, ser­vice and sup­port the indi­vid­ual has shown to the Club.

Colleen Tully

Timothy Sullivan

Colleen Gannon

Marty Joyce

Meghan Lee
Jackie Theodore, Brid­get Gilman

Thanks for subscribing!

Young Irish Fellowship Club 501 (c) 3

Chicago, IL.     


Please note: Tickets and Memberships are non-refundable. 

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