Past Events
While Young Irish Fellowship Club has had the privilege of hosting Forever Green for the past 49 years, there have been many other events in between. Lifelong partnerships, friendships, and relationships have had their start at YIFC events.
As time has gone on, some events have remained the same, while others changed. However, one thing remains true: events have allowed YIFC and its supporters to make a difference in Chicago and beyond.
Young Irish Fellowship Club looks forward to supporting our charity partners for years to come through our various events.

Forever green
Our biggest Forever Green yet! We are incredibly grateful to our sponsors, attendees, and board members for the success of another Forever Green.

Golf outing
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who either attended this year's Golf Outing in person or contributed through sponsorship. It never ceases to amaze us how our YIFC community consistently rallies for charitable causes.

First Thursday happy hours
Every first Thursday of the month we invite all who are interested in learning more about YIFC to join us for Happy Hour at a local Chicago pub!
It's a great time to meet new friends, Young Irish Members, and Board Members if you are looking for more ways to be involved in Chicago Irish culture.

Southside bar crawl
Over 100 guests were Southside Irish at our annual Southside bar crawl. With new and old faces alike, we were happy to have so many join us to support some amazing Southside bars.